Luyện tập, Trắc Nhiệm: Lesson 10.3. Communication & Pronunciation

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Câu 1 (TACBL7-29483)

Choose activities which help save energy (more than one answer):​

Câu 2 (TACBL7-29484)

Choose activities which help save energy ( more than one answer):​​

Câu 3 (TACBL7-29537)

Read the speech and answer the question:

How many types of energy sources are mentioned in the speech? What are they? 

    Câu 4 (TACBL7-29538)

    Read the speech and answer the question:

    What are the disadvantages of hydro energy?

      Câu 5 (TACBL7-29539)

      Read the speech and answer the question:

      Why do you think the wind and the sun are called alternative sources of energy?

        Câu 6 (TACBL7-29540)

        Listen to the passage and choose the correct statements:​ 

        Câu 7 (TACBL7-29541)

        Listen to the passage again and complete the sentences: 

        Biogas helps solve the problem of indoor .

        In the future, the  will be used as the main environmentally friendly energy sources.

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