Luyện tập, Trắc Nhiệm: Lesson 5.2 Reading, Listening, and Speaking

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Câu 1 (TACBL10-32037)

Read the text again and complete these sentences with no more than two words.

1. Why is the aeroplane considered one of the greatest inventions in our history? 

The aeroplane is considered one of the greatest in our history because it helps us to travel in the air and encourages the development of tourism and trading.

2. How can a glass window clean itself? The that makes up the glass window has the ability to the dirt in the rain.

3. Find the words or phrases in the text that can describe an aeroplane, a submarine, and Velcro.

An : ‘its wings and shape imitating those of a bird’ 

A : ‘imitates a dolphin’s shape’ 

The : ‘hook-and-loop fastener’; ‘two fabrics sticking together thanks to the hooks on one surface and the loops on the other’



Câu 2 (TACBL10-32078)

 Listen again and complete the information about the flying car. Write one word or number in each gap. 

1. size: a little bit than a normal car

2. petrol consumption:  gallon(s) per hour in the air  gallon(s) per 50 km on the ground

3. speed:  km per hour in the air km per hour on the ground

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